Rehabilitation is the foundation to any recovery and works alongside any ‘hands on’ treatment. More importantly it is key to prevent further injury.
Rehabilitation programmes will be evidence based and tailored to your specific need, whether it is returning to the gym, running a marathon or getting through a day of sitting at a desk pain free.
We have close links with local, experienced personal trainers and Pilate instructors in which we can set up further 1-2-1 sessions if required.
Chinese & Clinical Acupuncture
Dry needling
How does it work?
A fine, sterile, single - use acupuncture needle is inserted into the muscle aiming for myofascial trigger points (“knots”), this causes the trigger point to disperse and therefore release muscle tension. The microtrauma caused by the needle also promotes the bodys’ natural healing response which is particularly helpful in chronic conditions.
What does it feel like?
As the needle ‘hits’ a trigger point/ knot, a local, involuntary twitch response may occur followed by an ache. This ache, bruised like sensation may last for 24hours but after this the muscle should feel looser. Very rarely does it cause pain, bleeding or bruising.
What does it help?
Muscle tension
Chronic injuries e.g. tendinopathies
Arthritic pain
Neck, shoulder knots/ trigger points
How does it work?
Traditionally Chinese acupuncture seeks to promote the body’s natural energy flow, Qi. As it was thought when Qi does not flow freely illness occurs. Physiotherapists use Chinese acupuncture to stimulate the sensory nerves. This in turn will cause the body to release its natural pain-relieving substances, endorphins.
What does it feel like?
Unlike dry needling which targets specific trigger points and areas of injury, Chinese acupuncture places the fine, sterile, single – use needles into meridian lines most effective for your condition. This may mean some needles are placed away from the area of the injury. The needles are inserted and left in position for 10-20minutes. A dull ache will be felt, this may last 24-48 hours after treatment however this should not be painful.
What does it help?
Persistent pain
Joint pain
Headaches and migraines
Scar Therapy
What is it?
Scarring is the body's natural reaction to deep skin damage. They occur both inside and outside of the body. Often leaving a visible mark when healed.
Scars commonly feel tight, as if they are pulling, become red and raised. The effect of the scar can have both physical and emotional implications. With even the 'best' looking scars causing symptoms.
Scar Therapy at B&A combines a thorough assessment with the appropriate advice, hands on treatment and LymphaTouch to help manipulate your scar and in turn improve symptoms associated with them.
LymphaTouch combines negative pressure and mechanical high-frequency vibration, which soften adhesions, improve tissue elasticity, flexibility and joint range of motion.
Scars take 2 years to mature, so seeking advice early is helpful, but treatment can still be given to older scars – they just might be slightly more stubborn.
What does it feel like?
We use either Naqi Optimising Oil or Alhydran on your scar, depending on need. The scar massage itself is not and should not be painful. You will be given self management guidance to practice between sessions.
What does it help?
Scar tightness and pulling
Scar redness
Scar pain
We work with atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars
We regularly see c-section scars however we can implement similar techniques to other scars such as post knee/ hip replacement, post ORIF (fixation of fractures).
Not sure if it could benefit ? Enquire today and we can chat it through.
Scar therapy often works best with a couple of sessions, due to this block pricing is available.
Shockwave Therapy
How does it work?
This non-invasive treatment method uses a triggered probe to send shockwaves, made up of sound, through the tissues to the target area. The highly energised waves interact with the soft tissue initiating a healing response with increases in blood flow and up- cell regeneration.
What does it feel like?
Shockwave lasts approximately 3-5minutes, and often requires 4+ sessions, depending on your injury. The treatment is used to stimulate healing in a chronic injury so can be uncomfortable. An ache, bruised sensation can last for 24- 48hours.
Shockwave will be combined with other treatment techniques, including rehabilitation, for optimal effect.
What does it help?
Foot and ankle:
Achilles tendinopathy
Plantar Fasciopathy/ Fasciitis
Patella tendinopathy/ Jumpers Knee
Insertional Hamstring tendinopathy
Hip flexor tendinopathy
Rotator cuff tendinopathy
Tennis and golfers elbow
Wrist and hand:
De Quervan’s
Shockwave can also be used on painful trigger points within muscles and new evidence has shown benefits when used for arthritic joints.
A supplement of £10 will be added onto your appointment fee.
Joint Mobilisations
How does it work?
Pressure is applied to a joint by the therapist. The pressure applied is used to stimulate receptors in our body that help reduce pain. The force applied to the joint will also mobilise local soft tissue and promote range of movement. Some mobilisations may be combined with you moving and some may cause a ‘popping’ noise.
What does it feel like?
The pressure applied to the joint to reduce pain and stiffness can be uncomfortable but should not be painful.
What does it help?
Joint mobilisations aim to reduce joint stiffness and pain particularly effective in:
Hip and ankle stiffness
Recovering frozen shoulder
Back and neck
Arthritic stiffness
Interferential therapy
How does it work?
2-4 suction cups with wet sponges are placed around the affected area. The therapist will choose the low electrical frequency most appropriate for your treatment. The main use of the machine is to create an electrical stimulus strong enough to block your pain, caused by your injury, at the peripheral nerves.
What does it feel like?
Interferential creates a tingling sensation between the suction cups. It should not be painful but help alleviate any pain you were suffering. Some experience the tingling after the machine has been turned off but this is short lasting.
What does it help?
Acute pain
Arthritic pain
Swelling removal
Muscle tension
Muscle wastage (atrophy)
How does it work?
The probe sends sound waves into the soft tissue, which cause the small cells to oscillate. The vibrations at cell level creates an energy that has been thought to speed the rate of natural healing and quality of the repair.
What does it feel like?
Ultrasound works through non-thermal sound waves so there should be no added sensation other than probe on skin.
What does it help?
Ligament sprains
Tendon strains
Scar tissue build up
Deep Tissue Massage
How does it work?
Massage is one of many manual therapy techniques that can be used during your treatment. It is a safe and effective way to work into the soft tissues. It can find local ‘tight’ spots and trigger points which could be exacerbating or referring your pain to other areas.
What does it feel like?
The pressure used is normally firm, however this will be dependent on the injury.
What does it help?
Muscle tension and pain
Pre and post sport/ exercise